Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 6, Thing 13 - Delicious

Yum! Delicious - again, it's not about food, although it will be. This is a bookmark aggregator - I actually used one in the Earn While You Learn, now called something else, program. I don't remember it having all the features that Delicious has, but I haven't visited it in a long time. So! Delicious. I do like it, it will take time to transfer all my bookmarks from all my computers to the site, but it is a place where I can get to my bookmarks from any computer, and I like that since I'm at home sometimes, in the computer labs and just can't remember that one site that the kid who finished early could go to so he can keep busy in a good way, or I bookmark something at home and have to send an email to myself with the link so I can get to it at school.

So Delicious has this wrapped up. All my bookmarks in one place - web based, accessible when I have the web (and if I don't have the web, bookmarks aren't going to help!) Plus other features like tagging - so I can tag all the math resources for kids that use technology with 'math' 'resources' and 'tech' tags and can search for my sites based on tags. You can name your own tags too, they aren't preset, so they have meaning to you.

I think Delicious covers some of the perks of Rollyo (see previous post), but with Delicious you can add a little commentary along with the web site URL and title that allows almost 1000 characters, so if you can sum it up in 1000 letters, well, . . .

And now about food - it is great for compiling all the food blogs, recipe sites and anything else related to cooking, such as finding equipment (I need a canner before my next batch of golden plums ripen on the tree so I'll have jam next winter!) or cooking classes, Ramekins being my favorite, but there may be others in Santa Rosa or the CIA in Napa.

And the really nice thing is that you can share your bookmarks and even better, find people with bookmarks that are shared with you. So when I find that rockin' chef and her bookmarks, I can widen my options ( like I need that - I have more recipes than I have time to cook given a basic 100 year life span - oh well!)

I see Delicious as a way to organize my sites, and then maybe Rollyo will make sense, since Rollyo can actually search the sites for something specific - is that true? I'll be looking into it, and I'll keep you 'posted' ( pun intended!)

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